Come now.



we’re going to get past it,

believe me

we’ll be past it all

block unblock text almost call almost cry

come come come, come now

our eyes will meet

and hands

and my fingers will fill spaces in your hands

and the air

will come alive

with the fragrance you bring

and you’ll grin at me

and we’ll know

block, unblock, was just not for us

and you’ll know

life had bigger plans for us

it’ll start to rain like mad

believe me,

the clouds will sing Passenger to us

we’ll hear the music all around us

in the air you’ll make fragrant

and the wet earth

it’ll all come together

we’ll come together.

it’ll all come together.

we’ll cry mad tears

as we laugh

i’ll unblock you

you’ll unblock me

we’ll block nothing

we’ll stretch out our palms

the rain will fall on you and me.

it’ll all come together again.